Does Size Matter?

Does size matter? Physically, it would seem that size really doesn’t matter. Smaller penis and breast size doesn’t necessarily lead to a lessened quality of sex, decreased orgasm or pleasure. .
Where it does seem to matter is psychologically and emotionally. Due to toxic societal messages regarding large penis’s and breasts being connected to the physical ideal and increased “man or womanhood”, many individuals with feel self conscious regarding size. And moreover have identified size as a sore spot used by others to illicit shame and cut them down. This is typically from past significant others or within a couple when there is an argument. .
Wouldn’t this be a perfect opportunity to encourage your significant others regarding body positivity? Size does matter when it’s used against others to feel less than! Let’s recognize our partners or friends sore sports and lift them up rather than tear them down, even during arguments and moments when we’re upset!

Noémie Kyryluk