Knowing What You Like Sexually and How Masturbation Can Help

A lot of clients come to my office with the complaint of an unsatisfactory sex life ... though a lot of them don’t know how they would like it to be different, they just know it’s not working the way it is. .
The first thing I always ask is about masturbation and what their best sexual experience has been in the past. Some people have answers, some don’t. When they don’t - I assign the home practice of spending some solo time exploring what feels good and what doesn’t. It’s incredibly difficult to direct a partner in how to meet your needs, if you don’t know what will meet them. Your partner(s) might be a great lover but no one is a mind reader and we are all very different in our wants and needs. .
So I encourage you to explore, be curious and share what you discover with your partner(s). You can even show them yourself! Mutual masturbation can be one of those alternatives to penetrative sex (mentioned in a previous post)! Happy self-discovery! Stay curious!

Noémie Kyryluk