Reproductive Coercion

Reproductive coercion (RC) is a form of intimate partner violence (IPV) that is a little less known but is becoming more and more discussed. .
RC is essentially when one partner is exerting control, power or pressure on the other partners reproductive health - typically with intention to become pregnant but it can also be to terminate a pregnancy. .
This can look like anything from physical violence, rape and threats to forms birth control such as poking holes in a condom, threatening the relationship if they have to use a condom, ‘stealthing’ (taking off a condom during intercourse without the others consent), not letting your partner pull out or secretly not taking birth control such as pill. It can also take the form of sabotaging any attempts to get an abortion. .
Some of these more subtle behaviours may seem harmless or not a big deal but influencing someone’s reproductive health is manipulative, dangerous and most times part of a larger picture of IPV. .
Pregnancy and IPV are very closely connected. The research has shown that pregnant women are typically at a higher risk for IPV than those who are not, usually increasing in the first trimester. If this is happening to you or a friend of yours, it’s important to have a safety plan in place and a safe and efficient exit strategy should you/ the person you are supporting choose to leave (this is always the most dangerous time for a person experiencing IPV, RC is no exception. Safety planning is imperative).

Noémie Kyryluk