Self-Care is Sexy!

We all know the couple who has been together a long time, they both start eating convenient, fast food, start avoiding exercise and at times even basic self care practices like brushing their teeth. And when the topic is broached the answer is often: “I’ve found my person - I can stop trying so hard”. What this really communicates though is: “I don’t value you enough to put in the effort” or worse even “I don’t value myself enough”.
When people first start dating, typically they put their best foot forward, whatever that looks like. Often that means having showered and dressed in something that makes them feel good, maybe having a clean house, eating well and exercising regularly. .
It’s no wonder the arousal and desire are increased and typically the sex is occurring more frequently at the beginning. When you feel good, you’re more likely to want to inhabit your own body and more likely going to want to share that feeling with others. Self-care is sexy, especially when you do it for yourself!

Noémie Kyryluk