Sex After Baby

A lot of new moms have anxiety about sex following the obligatory 6 week time off after giving birth - they expect it to hurt, things to look different, things to feel different etc... .
And things can and most likely, will feel and look different but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. .
Some moms enjoy penetrative sex more following birth bc their pelvic floor has relaxed a little and they no longer experience pain or discomfort in certain positions (more on pelvic floor at a later date). .
Some moms enjoy their body image more bc they now have curves or simply feel that they inhabit their body a little deeper since having a baby. .
And for some there is pain and discomfort, but that, thankfully, does not need to be the new normal. There are professionals and exercises (both physical and emotional) that can be called upon to ease the anxiety, the discomfort and pain to a place that brings pleasure once more!

Noémie Kyryluk