Desire Discrepancy and Workload

It’s important not to take our partners for granted. In so many couple sessions I’ve had where there is a desire discrepancy, the partner with low desire has taken on or prioritizes all the housework, the full time job, the child or animal rearing etc etc and the high desire partner does not. .
This causes pretty clear difficulties in the relationship as one partner (low desire) feels like they’re doing everything and their partner is just piling on by asking for one extra thing (sex). .
My suggestion here is always to consider the workload of each partner - if one partner is bombarded, help them out by taking things off their plate. The more space you create, the more space you allow for the possibility of sexual contact. .
**Now to be clear, I’m not saying this is the case for everyone, nor am I saying it’s the cause of low desire but it can be difficult to feel sexual when you are overwhelmed with day to day tasks.

Noémie Kyryluk