5 Positive Interactions to 1 Negative One

The 5 to 1 ratio is the magical combination that psychologist and researcher John Gottman reports to have a successful relationship. Meaning 5 positive interactions to 1 negative/conflict one. .
This ratio stems for years of research watching couples deal with conflict to the point that Dr. Gottman was able to predict with 90% accuracy whether a couple would stay together following reviewing a 15 minute interaction with them. .
The most damaging negative interactions to a relationship are being emotionally dismissive, critical or defensive. While some the most beneficial positive interactions might include showing interest and affection, sharing intentional appreciation and ways your partner(s) matter to you. Other ways might be to acknowledge and accept your partners point of view even if different from your own, empathize and apologize. Strategic humour is also always a good way to diffuse conflict (be careful this doesn’t tip into being emotional dismissive). .
How does your relationship conflict ratio measure up? Do you need to bolster your positive interactions?

Noémie Kyryluk