Women's Sexuality

There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding women’s sexuality; that women are inherently less sexual, they’re more interested in bonding than sexuality etc. Now while that might be true for some women it isn’t for many. .
Research shows that female sexual boredom is a reality for a large number of women, and statistically in therapy, more women than men are the instigators for considering alternative relationship structures like polyamory or swinging.

Misconceptions about female sexuality make it difficult for their partners as well to not internalize their wants as something deficient with them or their sexual skills etc. .
Female sexual boredom has shown to exist in homosexual as well as heterosexual couples. However, heterosexual couples typically have more difficulty accepting and communicating about this due to common gender roles and biases regarding sexuality. .
Sexual boredom is a common issue that brings people to sex therapy! If this is something that you’re dealing with or the partner of someone who is, you’re not alone! Reaching out to a sex therapist can help.

Noémie Kyryluk