Breastfeeding and Sexual Health

For those moms out there breastfeeding - did you know there are sexual health implications of breastfeeding? .
I mean, of course we all know that those late night feedings, lack of sleep, changes to body shape and image will certainly affect the level of desire we have but it also goes beyond that.
In studies done comparing women who breastfed versus those who used formula - the breastfeeding moms were more likely to prolong resuming sex with their partners. This is believed to be due to hormones called prolactin and oxytocin which are increased while breastfeeding and also affect desire and arousal levels. It is thought that as breastfeeding releases these hormones, it’s possible that these moms are having their intimacy needs met via feeding the babies versus finding it with their partner sexually. However, for some the opposite can occur as well, as these hormones are released it could increase sexual desire rather than diminish it as mentioned above. .
Another hormone that may affect your sexual health while breastfeeding is estrogen. Estrogen impacts arousal and lubrication and is diminished while breastfeeding. A good water based lube like the @_sliquid option captured in picture two is typically necessary to avoid painful sex post delivery and while breastfeeding.
These are just a few ways breastfeeding may impact your sexual health - check in with yourself, talk to your partner and communicate your experiences, as they will be unique to you!

Noémie Kyryluk