Consensual Non-Monogamy

Consensual non-monogamy, ethical polyamory, polycules, triads, swinging, etc., there are many alternative relationship structures other than the monogamous status quo.
Monogamy isn’t for everyone. Though more often than not alternative relationship structures fail when couples go into them as a way to fix their current relationship issues. People often don’t realize that for most alternative relationship structures to be successful the foundation of the relationship needs to be very secure and communication skills need to be enhanced. .
Too often have I seen couples in my office decide to open their relationship as a last ditch effort to save an already failing relationship or enter into an alternative structure with limited discussion about expectations and limits. This inevitably leads to much hurt, confusion and sometimes the demise of the original couple.
These structures can and do work if entered into with intention, communication, and directed dialogue. In my experience, the most successful ones are the ones that come to my office looking to explore this possibility with the help of therapy and the intention of further deepening an already successful relationship.

Noémie Kyryluk