The Pop Dildo

So this is one of the coolest sex toys I’ve seen in a while for a few different reasons - so humor me while I nerd out for the next little bit. .
It’s called Pop Dildo and essentially what it is, is a dildo that can ejaculate. .
Now this has a lot of fun implications such as sex play with any kind of sauce or liquid (chocolate sauce, alcohol etc - use your imagination, sky’s the limit!).
Also, some more purposeful implications like gender affirmation for the trans community or ‘real’ finishes for the pegging community - a few other implications are also identified on their website! .
The most interesting use though (imo) - and it’s original intention - is artificial insemination! For any couple, single or poly cube that wants a little more intimacy than the turkey baster method - you can use the Pop Dildo with actual sperm!! And all the parts are medical grade designed for this purpose. Fresh sperm stays good at room temp for about 12 hours, so you can use it within that window, when the time is right. Frozen sperm is a little different and likely a little precarious but still potentially an option (talk to a fertility specialist here). And not only that but some studies also suggest that an orgasm leads to better chances of conception so this toy may also lead to more effective insemination! Photo cred:

Noémie Kyryluk