It's Rare For a Woman To Orgasm From Intercourse Alone

There is this widespread misconception, perpetuated often by mainstream porn, that everyone is supposed to orgasm from penetrative intercourse. False! Once again enter patriarchy... you may be noticing a trend here ... and you would be right! A lot of misinformation in sex education is due to patriarchal values.

The majority of women do not orgasm the way men do. Most men are able to orgasm within 2-10 mins from penetrative friction. It is rare for a woman, however, to orgasm from penetration alone and takes on average 15-45 mins of clitoral stimulation for her to come.

Why should we know this? Beyond the obvious answer of better quality sexual encounters, the expectation that women are supposed to come the way many pornstars do, is what leads to a lot of feelings of sexual inadequacy and faking of orgasms. It is normal to not be able to come from intercourse alone! If you can though, that is also your normal, and that’s great too! Bottom line, people are built differently, let’s respect those differences and ditch the patriarchal expectations!

Noémie Kyryluk