Adult Circumcision
Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves removing the foreskin from the penis. It has been typically done in childhood for religious beliefs, health issues or personal preference and can occur in adulthood too but it’s a little different.
In childhood, the techniques used are different due to infant size and risk. Adults have the options of these techniques but also a few added ones. Scarring tends to be a little worse when done in adulthood. I won’t go into the techniques here as I’m not a doctor and this would be a conversation to discuss with them. .
What I often get is the “am I normal?” question. And the answer is yes! It is “normal” to get circumcised in childhood, it’s also “normal” not to get circumcised in childhood. It’s also still “normal” to either be circumcised or not in adulthood. The reasons for circumcision in adulthood are typically due to pain or discomfort and it is “normal” not feel pain and to be able to be comfortable. .
Circumcised or not, penis’s are all unique in their own way. The important thing is that you feel comfortable in your own skin (pun intended)! Photo cred: @sexwithemily