
Hugs are so important! Here’s a few reasons why: .
* They release oxytocin - the love hormone. The one responsible for human bonding, stimulated during sex, birth and breastfeeding.
* A full body hug stimulates the nervous system which can help decrease feelings of loneliness, fear and anxiety while increasing feelings of self-esteem and gratitude.
* They can also be good for physical health by stimulating the part of the brain responsible for lowering blood pressure, studies suggest! In addition, studies have also shown that they can decrease heart rate which leads to heart health!


* Research also suggests that due to that oxytocin release that hugs can boost your immune system and decrease pain levels!
* In a study done by Emory University, it was shown that well-hugged babies led to lowered levels of stress as adults.
* Hugs also release dopamine which is a hormone involved in the presence or sexual desire.

So in response... how important are hugs? So important!! Not only for the warm fuzzies that accompany them but also for the social, physical and mental health benefits that exist as well!

Noémie Kyryluk