Aging and Sexuality

There is a common misconception that as you get older, things (ie. erections and lubrication) stop working so older couples stop having sex. .
The research shows that those couples (heterosexual) who do stop having sexual relationships, is typically the man’s choice due to difficulties with erections. Those couples who continue to have sexual relations, despite sexual function challenges, end up having a deeper and more satisfying sex life.
This is due to the fact that a man’s physical responses are no longer automatic but rather responsive much like for most women. The script flips and the couple now becomes sexual allies - « win or lose » as a sexual team. .
The message is now we need each other even more because our bodies are no longer automatic but rather respond to one another. It never too early or too late to become erotic allies! Photo cred: @oldushkamodels

Noémie Kyryluk