7 Quick (Potentially Obvious) Tips to Assist with Low Sexual Desire

#1 Take a shower! No one feels super sexy when they have the days grime on them, are not feeling the most fresh and are being held together with dry shampoo and deodorant! Also your partner will thank you. Take a shower! Freshen up!
#2 Clean your space! When things are messy, the todos are piling up along with the laundry and dishes - it’s hard to be in the moment and relax into the possibility of a sexual encounter. Clean your bedroom, bathroom , kitchen - wherever you like to set the scene.

#3 Lock your door and turn off your phone! Whether this is your bedroom door or your front door, unless potential exhibitionism is your kink, lock the doors and feel confident that your private moment won’t get interrupted. Even if it’s solo sex or just intimate time to connect, you’re creating the space for it.
#4 Put something on (or not!) that you feel confident in! I’m not talking sexy lingerie ( though it could be that ), could be your favorite t shirt and jeans that hug you in all the right places! .
#5 Eat well and exercise. Shocker, I know. When you eat well you feel better internally, which will make it more likely to feel comfortable in your own skin. Exercise helps again with feeling better in ones own skin but also with increased energy and better mental health. .
#6 Take the time to get to know yourself and what you like, how you like to be touched and when. .
#7 Advocate for the type of sex you want! Don’t settle for “less than” sex - if the sex you’re having isn’t worth wanting the desire for it will not magically appear!

Noémie Kyryluk