Blue Balls: Is it Really a Thing?

Blue balls is a thing! But definitely not a serious one. Medically termed as vasocongestion, it’s essentially just a build up of blood in the prostate or testicles when someone with a penis is turned on but doesn’t ejaculate.
While this can be uncomfortable, as it might cause tenderness or cramp-like sensations, it’s certainly not a serious health concern nor is it a valid reason to pressure anyone into sexual play.
If nothing is done the sensations will go away on their own, or masturbation is always an option as well. .
Fun fact! People with a vulva who get aroused and don’t orgasm can have the same “blue ball” sensations! Go figure! Something to think about for all the individuals out there who’ve been socialized to “make sure you don’t give him blue balls or you’ll have to finish what you started as it’s SO painful!”. While I suspect no one learned that about those with vulvas 🤷‍♀️.

Noémie Kyryluk