Sex Lives Typically Take a Nose Dive After Kids...

Sex lives typically take a nose dive after kids join the picture. And this is super common! Lives get busy, kids require attention, lunches, homework, on top of your own. .
Like anything else, if you want a rich sex life, you must make it a priority. That also means taking the space to have some private time with your partner. .
If your kids are old enough to be ok on their own for an hour or so - buy a lock and put it on your door! If they aren’t, buy a lock anyways because they will eventually be old enough. .
Get a babysitter to watch kids that aren’t old enough and stay home! Lock yourselves in that bedroom and make sex a priority again! Even if the first few times are just spent talking, cuddling and reconnecting, it’s a step in the right direction!

Noémie Kyryluk