The Sexual Double Standard

We’re all familiar with the sexual double standard - though improving, it is still fairly present in our day to day lives. Men get a high five and approving statements for casual hookups or multiple sexual partners. Women, on the other hand, are often slut-shamed or judged quietly. Even discreetly, the feedback is typically not the same. .
This has an impact on how women feel and experience casual sex and how they inevitably experience pleasure. That being said mixed feelings about casual sex and needing more intimacy is certainly ok and more than normal, however it’s important to note the source of those feelings. That’s it’s truly how you feel and what fits with your values versus that’s what society tells you you should want. .
Let’s end the double standard once and for all! Stop slut shaming yourself and others - start believing you are entitled to pleasure. Start approving of other women’s choice to have casual sex. Start approving of pleasure equality!

Noémie Kyryluk