Breast Massages

Most people aren’t aware that breast massages are a thing, let alone a thing that might be beneficial to them. In India, Asia and parts of Europe, breast massages are just part of a typical massage. Like other parts of your body, massage is good for breast health too. .
While breast massages are legal in Canada, they are hugely stigmatized and you’d likely have a very hard time finding a massage therapist willing to do it. .
As most know regular touch, massage especially reduces cortisol levels (stress hormone) in the body, relieving anxiety, aggression and has also been shown to improve body image. Research has shown that it is common for people of all genders to have body image concerns related to their chest and breasts.
Additionally to the psychological benefits, there has been some (though not substantial) research that links breast massages to preventative treatment for breast cancer. There has also been reported improvements in pain and tension in breast tissue.
It is important to note that these types of massages are non-sexual and therapeutic in nature. Good training in technique, sexuality ethics and consent is necessary.

Noémie Kyryluk