Things to Know Before You Try Anal Sex
Things to know about anal sex before you give it ago...
The biggest myth about anal sex that I hear all the time is - “yeah it hurts, you just deal with it”. If done properly, it shouldn’t hurt and actually should even feel good! Both women and men are capable of having orgasms from anal stimulation. Slow and steady wins the race here! .
As your anus doesn’t self lubricate like the vagina, lots of lube is needed - silicon specifically because it will try out much less quickly than water based. A condom is also a good idea physical health wise and provides smoother entry as it decreases the friction (make sure it is compatible with your lube!) .
The second biggest myth is that it’ll stretch you out - it doesn’t. Your anus is able stretch and accommodate a penis or a toy on the way in as it is able to accommodate bowel movements on the way out. .
Speaking of bowel movements - the biggest concern I also hear is the fear that it will cause a bowel movement or that trace amounts will be exposed. While this is still possible, fecal matter is typically held much higher in the lower intestines. And even so anything can be washed off and fears communicated about. .
Disclaimer ** Anal sex isn’t for everyone - so if it’s not for you, communicate that with your partner and don’t do it! Photo cred: @bottoms.up.series