Never Fake An Orgasm

While faking orgasms may have some short term perks - ending not great sex faster, temporarily validating your partners sexual prowess etc. So what’s the big deal you might ask? Why not just fake it? It’s over when I want it to be and my partner walks away feeling good about the interaction?
The issue, other than having to perform and deceive your partner constantly, is that what you’ll get is more of the same, less than spectacular sex. As I’ve said before great lovers are not born, they are made and as any first year psych student will tell you is if you reward a behavior, you’ll likely more of it. .
So if you’re partner believes that they are satisfying you, why would they do or try anything else? Why would they stop doing something that they think is working for you? Chances are they won’t or even if they try adding new techniques, they’ll still go back to what they believe you’ve enjoyed. So. Much. .
Do both yourself and your partner a favor - never fake it! If something feels good, encourage it, if it doesn’t don’t! It’s ok to finish a sexual encounter without an orgasm - and that might have no bearing on how good it felt. Remember our brains are our biggest sexual organ and sometimes we’re just too bogged down with life’s issues to truly be in the moment and let ourselves orgasm, this doesn’t mean the sexual encounter was not overall satisfying. And hey next time perhaps things will be different and maybe not, either way it’s still better to communicate openly than to just fake it to get it over with.

Noémie Kyryluk