Pubic Hair Removal

Shaving, waxing, trimming, au naturel - the options for pubic landscaping can sometimes seem endless and often changes based on perceptions of social desirability. But is there one option that is better than others, is there impact on sexual satisfaction? .
In a 2019 study done, men and women were asked about attitudes towards pubic hair removal and sexual satisfaction. Men reported more sexual and relationship satisfaction if their partners met their expectations in the way of pubic hair removal. On the flip side, women reported greater sexual and relationship satisfaction if both partners expectations were met. Both women and men in this study also reported that reasons they chose not remove pubic hair was partner preference and side effects. .
Side effects might include hair removal pain but it has also been found to put you at greater risk for STIs due to the potential for minor cuts and skin irritations. No extensive research has been done to date regarding the correlated rates of hair removal and STI transmission. .
Essentially, the takeaway here is essentially the same as most things in the sexual realm, everyone is unique and has individual preferences. While sexual satisfaction might seem to be linked to hair removal practices, it appears to me that it’s more linked to communicating preferences with your partner and negotiating whether or not that landscaping technique and appearance is right for both of you.

Noémie Kyryluk