Online Infidelity
Long answer short - it can be. While online infidelity might seem like not a huge deal - there’s no physical contact, risk of STI or unwanted pregnancy is nothing, risk of leaving your partner for an online endeavor is fairly minimal - there can be damaging consequences to your relationship. To be clear, I am not talking about the use of online pornography in a situation where the partner is aware to a certain extent or at the very least isn’t bothered by it. .
For starters, depending on the depth of the online infidelity, you may be diverting effort, time and focus to the online affaire that is perhaps much needed in your relationship. If you’re avoiding real life issues by escaping into a fantasy online this will eventually cause your relationship to erode. .
Secondly, much like in-person infidelity - and here is where online pornography can also have detrimental effects - if you are lying and hiding this from your partner, elements of distrust and resentment start to set in. .
It’s also very easy to hold the fantasy of the online infidelity on a pedestal while comparing all the day to day stressors that plague your relationship. Relationships, especially good relationships, require constant nurturing and if you are inadvertently choosing to nurture an online fantasy, it will appear much more appealing than real life when you and your partner share responsibilities such as finances, chores and maybe even children. .
Much like anything, where you put your effort has more of a chance of flourishing so is online infidelity so bad? In the grand scheme of infidelities it might not seem as serious but in the big picture of your relationship it can do just as much damage.