You Can Still Have Great Sex With A Soft Penis
Due to how very phallocentric sexual education and even how sex is portrayed in media, often people believe that an erect penis is necessary for wonderful, satisfying sex. Penetration is king. If this is true then what good is a soft penis? Let’s expel some myths, shall we? .
For starters, you don’t need an erect penis to have penetrative sex. There are methods and techniques that can be learned to have penetrative sex with a soft penis if that is the type of sex you’d like to have. .
You also don’t need an erect penis to have an orgasm - stimulation to a soft penis will also create pleasure and has to ability to orgasm as well. To that end, an erect penis is also not the only means that one experiences desire. A individual can be completely aroused and feel desire while also not being erect. A lot of partners tend to have an issue with this one as they feel no erection equals no desire and that simply just isn’t always true.
On the flip side, some individuals who have penises feel great pressure to have an erection to satisfy their partner. Through Betty Dodson’s extensive work within the field of sexuality, she found that most women preferred to give oral sex to a soft penis versus a hard one. .
In my opinion, a soft penis is a great thing - it forces people to be creative, to explore one another, and to communicate!