Talk to Your Kids About Porn

Talk to you kids about porn. Inevitably, in today’s society with internet access everywhere, all the time, your kid will find porn or it will find them. .
Without educating your child to view porn with a critical lens, porn becomes their sexual health teacher. They will become educated with whatever type of porn they fall upon. They might think that sex MUST include a large erection (which could cause body image anxiety), degrading speech towards women, zero sex play and the expectation that everyone should be ready to go at the drop of a hat - not to mention whether they will learn about consent issues? .
Now some parents are concerned that if they bring it up their kids will go looking for porn or that they will be communicating some sort of approval and porn watching will increase. Rest assured concerned parents, studies have shown that talking to your kids about porn will not start or increase their porn consumption (dm me for the sources if interested). Rather, you will have given your child a safe place to ask questions, and dispel myths that could be toxic for their sexual health moving forward. Talk to your kids about porn!

Noémie Kyryluk