Vaginal Lubrication

Have you ever wondered about vaginal lubrication? Why it happens, what’s going on? Well if so, lucky you! Here’s a bit of info about that. .
Lubrication happens all the time, whether you are aware of it or not. There are glands in your cervix and vaginal wall that create lubrication to protect your genital area from injury, tearing and to keep the area clean and healthy. **There are several types of vaginal lubrication but for the sake of length this post will focus mostly on lubrication and sexual play. .
The glands that create lubrication during sexual play are called the Bartholin and Skene glands. This, however, does not mean you’re aroused but rather that your body is doing what it needs to do to protect itself and keep itself clean. When this happens, wetness without arousal - it is called arousal non-concordance, and it’s common. .
Some factors that contribute to how much lubricant is produced are medications, clothing you’re wearing, mental health, stress, age, hormones, relationship variables, sweat glands and how much you sweat and possible infections.
So much more goes into how « wet » you are beyond your level of arousal! Artistic cred• @aphrrodisiac

Noémie Kyryluk