Oral Sex and STIs

Yes it’s definitely possible to get STIs (sexually transmitted infections) like chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, HIV and syphilis while giving or receiving oral sex. .
It’s possible to be infected in the mouth and/or throat from giving oral sex ( mouth to penis, mouth or vulva, or mouth to anus). It’s also possible to be infected vaginally, anally or on the penis from receiving oral sex. And of course it’s possible to be infected in more than one place. .
The best way to decrease the risk of infection and spreading STIs is to have regular testing at a sexual health clinic like @umbrella.clinic, communication with your sexual partners about STI status and prevention as well as using condoms or dental dams. Be aware that even with a protective barriers and regular testing it’s still possible to get an STIs but many are curable through treatment or otherwise very well managed to the point of potentially no longer being transferable.

Noémie Kyryluk