Sex and Taste

It’s nothing new to suggest that the sense of taste, pleasure derived from eating certain foods boarder on erotism. .
Food and sex pairings have often been depicted in literature and pop culture in scenes where one partner is feeding the other blindfolded in hopes of isolating and heightening the sense of taste. While this might seem a little cliché - there is something to this activity. .
Several elements are at play here - if you’ve prepared an elaborate meal or tasty treat to feed your partner it shows thoughtfulness and effort. If you are willing to be blindfolded and have your partner feed you, there are elements of risk and therefore breeds trust that your partner won’t feed you something they know you don’t like or foul tasting. .
The overall activity also incorporates elements of playfulness, curiosity, excitement and newness, communication and pleasure. It can be the main event of your sexual play or a precursor to various other elements of sexual play. Be creative! You can play with textures, tastes and temperatures. Have your partner guess the ingredients or give sensual feedback (if you have difficulty with “dirty talk” describing foods in a sensual way is usually an easier place to start - more details in a future post).

Noémie Kyryluk