A Romantic Getaway Will Not Save Your Relationship

I hear a lot of people getting the advice of just go take a vacation together it’ll give you some time to reconnect and solve everything. Quite frankly, in my opinion this is bad advice. .
If you’re in a solid, healthy relationship and you have just had a hectic last while - then by all means yes a getaway to reconnect and refresh will certainly help. .
However, if your relationship has been struggling for quite some time, on various levels, your relationship will still struggle in paradise but now you’ll feel it a lot stronger because the stakes are raised as everything should be great in paradise. And it won’t be because you won’t have changed anything other than the environment which, typically, isn’t enough. People often come back from these getaways more frustrated and resentful and less hopeful for the future of their relationship.
Unless you’re going on some sort of structured couples retreat where there are workshops and counseling and professionals who are able to help you to relearn to communicate with one another and reconnect, save the money and hold off on the trip.
If your relationship is struggling, my recommendation is to first go to couples counseling, learn the skills and put in the work to mend your relationship in your every day environment and then go on a trip when things are better as a reward for all your hard work! The way I see it, is even if you get along well on your getaway and things are great - no one lives in a getaway and that feeling won’t be sustainable when you return to day to day life without having made any changes. Work hard first, reward yourselves after - it’ll be worth it!

Noémie Kyryluk